S15SM 1&5x Magnification Mirror

1&5x Magnification

$375.00 RRP

In Stock

The S15SM square magnifying mirror adds style and a sense of beauty to your room. This mirror features a double sided mirror with 5x magnification and normal mirror (no magnification) which can be  flipped 360°. This mirror can be folded back out of the way against the wall when not in use or pulled forward with good vertical adjustment to make it easy to use.

Product Code
Mounting Method
Screw to Wall
One & five times
Approx Weight
Chrome Plated
PLEASE NOTE: Specifications are for information purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the product specifications are accurate, due to continuing product development and improvement the specifications are subject to change. Specifications can be used to rough in and fit timber supports in the wall however we recommend no holes are drilled without having the product on site or verifying the details with the manufacturer. Thermogroup cannot be held liable or responsible for errors due to updated specifications.

What is best for cleaning mirrors?
For best results clean mirrors with methylated spirits and water at a rate of 30% methylated spirits and 70% water. Do not use Windex or similar chemical cleaning products.

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Have you considered adding a demister?

Upgrade a standard bathroom mirror by installing a Thermomirror demister pad. The ultra-thin demister pad provides a clear and condensation free mirror even after a hot bath or shower.