AC7510GT Church Shape Polished Edge Mirror Glue-to-Wall
$399.00 RRP
The AC7510GT Church Shape Mirror from our Aspen Range is made to fit your design, space and budget. These mirrors are backed by our 2 year warranty. The mirrors feature a commercial strength vinyl backing and is glue-to-wall. The mirrors are copper-free and edge sealed to ensure the mirrors does not develop foil creep on the edge.
The Church Shape Aspen Mirror Series features a 5mm silver mirror with a polished edge. The AC7510GT mirror is 750mm wide and 1000mm high.
Two of these mirrors are ideal for use above a double vanity.
What is best for cleaning mirrors?
For best results clean mirrors with methylated spirits and water at a rate of 30% methylated spirits and 70% water. Do not use Windex or similar chemical cleaning products. Avoid getting water on the sides or back of the mirror as damage to silver backing can occur. In coastal areas it is recommended to wipe around the edge of the mirror once a month to avoid salt build up that can cause silver creep.
How is the mirror fixed to the wall?
This mirror is supplied without hangers and is designed for glue-to-wall mounting. Adhere the mirror in position using a suitable mirror adhesive. The mirror adhesive selected must be compatible with mirrors and neutral cure as some adhesives can damage the mirror backing. It is recommended to use double-sided tape in conjunction with the mirror adhesive.
For more information, please view the specification sheet.